
Roccamandolfi Cabin Design

Concept Design - Wettbewerbsbeitrag

Konzeptstudie für drei Leichtbau-Hütten am Fuße der Burg Roccamandolfi nördlich von Neapel. Jede Hütte ist in Abhängigkeit zu den unterschiedlichen topographischen Gegebenheiten konzipiert und steht immer in Relation zur Burgruine sowie der einzigarten Landschaft. Die Hütten dienen als Schutzhütten die jedoch bei guter Wetterlage transformierbar sind um in einer direkteren Verbindung mit der Umgebung zu stehen

A tale of three is the story of three cabin designs, proposed as a resort around the ruins of the castle of Roccamandolfi. The comune, which lies in the central province of Isernia, just north of Napoli, has a diverse topography, from forests to cliffs and fields. Each of the three cabins is located in a different setting around the castle and therefore offers a unique experience. The guests stay at least one night in each cabin, each focused on a different day program. Each cabin transforms, particular to the environment it is set in. None of the cabins have windows, they are either completely enclosed or open to the surrounding.

The cabin on the hills lie south of the castle, looking over the town of Roccamandolfi. After a day of discovering the local culture and history, the guests return for a cooking class with locals. The cabin consists of large kitchen that occupies the lower floor and is being shared by two guests, two bedrooms make up the upper floor, each with a small bathroom. The entire façade of the lower floor can be moved upwards opening a panoramic view over the town and the valley on the one side, and the castle up the hill on the other.

Forest Main.jpg

Hill House

